It was a low 43 / 36 °F cold afternoon in Providence during Sharlene and Chuck’s engagement session. Even before I was ready to shoot Sharlene and Chuck were so playful, laughing all through their session. The session went by very fast.They were having so fun and did not let the cold stop them from having fun. I enjoyed every bit of the session and I asked for their love story which is shared below.
Chuck met Sharlene in 2012 in the church. A year went by and there still was no clue on the boy’s end of things. The boy was blind and seeking, but not surrendering to God’s will. Finally, the boy gave his will for a wife over to God and knew he could trust his maker. Then he finally spotted the girl at church for all her amazing godly qualities. The girl always knew he was the one and was waiting on him. But the boy didn’t trust himself and needed to be sure before he made the first contact, he prayed and sought wise counsel. The more he saw the more he liked and his young adult pastor assured him it was a good match.
New year’s eve came and the girl had given up on the boy by this time, however, a selfie of the two was taken that night. The following February at a Super Bowl party, they started to talk. That Monday the boy called the girl and admitted to liking her and believing that she liked him too. The next week they went a young adult church retreat and the story changed. That Sunday the boy called her dad to arrange a meeting to ask if he could go out with her. Two weeks went by before that could happen and his intentions were approved by her dad.
It has been a wonderful journey of getting to know one another and sharing experiences. Many nature walks, dinners, movies, and moments of serving together passed until the boy found the right ring and perfect time and place to pop the question.
And here we are, Taking engagement photos and getting ready for the ceremony.
Enjoy their lovely engagement photos below
Photo by Dele Oyedepo (